Referencing Relationships

To add reference attribute, add prefix to the attribute to differentiate reference attribute from normal ones.

    "model": "models.Employee",
    "data": {
        "name": "John Smith",
        "!company": {
            "model": "models.Company",
            "data": {
                "name": "MyCompany"

Base on the example above, name is a normal attribute and !company is a reference attribute which translates to and, respectively.


The default reference prefix is ! and can be customized.

Customizing reference prefix

If you want @ as prefix, you can just specify it to what seeder you use by assigning value of Seeder.ref_prefix or HybridSeeeder.ref_prefix. Default value is !

seeder = Seeder(session, ref_prefix='@')
# or
seeder = Seeder(session)
seeder.ref_prefix = '@'

Types of reference attributes

Reference attribute types:

  • foreign key attribute

  • relationship attribute

You can reference a foreign key and relationship attribute in the same way. For example:

from sqlalchemyseed import HybridSeeder
from db import session

instance = {
        'model': 'tests.models.Employee',
        'data': [
                'name': 'John Smith',
                '!company_id': {  # this is the foreign key attribute
                    'model': 'tests.models.Company',
                    'filter': {
                        'name': 'MyCompany'
                'name': 'Juan Dela Cruz',
                '!company': { # this is the relationship attribute
                    'model': 'tests.models.Company',
                    'filter': {
                        'name': 'MyCompany'

seeder = HybridSeeder(session)


model can be removed if the attribute is a reference attribute like this:

    "model": "models.Employee",
    "data": {
        "name": "Juan Dela Cruz",
        "!company": {
            "data": {
                "name": "Juan's Company"

Notice above that model is removed in !company.